Wednesday, 18 May 2011

What post-production decisions did we make?

These are the decisions we made after filming our music video.
-Magazine advert
-Put it on Youtube

The whole idea of animation is that it blends simultaneously, so to do this we cut scenes and blended them by using the same lighting settings for all. We also created a constant speed through most scenes enabling smoother transitions between frames. We also incorperated a split screen to keep the viewer interested and alert. Lastly we increased the saturation to create more vibrant and asthetically pleasing scenes.

Creating a digipack helped us to visalise the product. We used characters directly from our movie. The use of using characters from the music video onto our digipack creates a strong correlation between visuals. This will enable viewers to create links between our characters in the music video and on the digipack

Magazine advert
The magazine advert is simplistic like our digipack and similarally has the same characters on the cover. We made this decision because we wanted a strong link between the music video and the magazine cover so that our viewers could see the correlation.

What is the function of post-production?
The function of post production is to develop the movie further and create a final product. To do this we used a range of media programmes such as final cut and photoshop.

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